Wednesday, August 26, 2009

You know you want win!

Love this idea! We need to get Keely's 3-4 month pictures done so I would LOVE to win this. Good luck to all that enter!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

To buy or not to buy....

So John and I have been recently thinking about buying our very first house! Exciting and scary at the same time. With there being so many incentives for first time buyers this year it really seems to be a opportunity that you just can't miss.

The major downfall to this idea is while we have enjoyed living in Oklahoma it's not where we want to be for the long run at all. Colorado is home to us and always will be and we want to live there so badly. But John is getting some amazing work experience right now from his job and leaving that for a market that isn't very favorable to be buying (as Colorado is right now) just seems...well stupid. So we are looking. So please please pray for us at we think about this and try to make the best decision for our family.

Other important and WAY exciting stuff. Keely has learned to roll over!! I knew she could do it but she just didn't seem to have the desire...But she goes from her back to her tummy like a pro. Now going tummy to back she is having some issues with but I know she will master it soon.

She also has her 4 month well baby visit next Monday. I can't believe she is getting that big! It still seems like I just had her!

I will try and post some pictures of her soon.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 1

So I have seen all the wonderful mommies (and Mommies to be) at my church have blogs, and I thought...hmm I need to do this. It would be an awesome way to keep track of Keely's development and to just let people know what is going on with our little family. So here we go!

Today was a pretty normal day. Emily and I (my wonderful sister in law) normally get together on Thursdays, but we change in to Wednesday this week. Also I think it might be on hold for awhile as she is starting school back up on Monday. And I will then be taking care of Gabriel (who is almost 7 months old) for her on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I know it will be hectic some with two babies, but I am really looking forward to it and think it will be a huge amount of fun!