Sunday, January 31, 2010

9 months

A friend of mine has a wonderful tradition in which she as been writing letters to her little girl for each month "birthday". I love this idea and wish I had thought to do this with Keely since day one. But better last than never.

My Dearest Keely,

I can't believe that you are 9 months old. How is it possible that much time has passed since I first laid eyes on you. My whole world, life, and essence changed in that one moment. Little did I know that I would learn how to love in a whole new and life altering way. You are your daddy and I's dream come true. We love you so much and are so blessed to be able to be your Momma and Daddy.

You have been growing and learning so much this month! It has been crazy. You have been creeping along the floor for a long time now and are getting so close to crawling. You pull up on all fours and rock back and forth, maybe even move a bit and then decided to go back to your perfected army crawl. Then you are off across the room like a flash. Your giggle this month has become even more infectious. You laugh all the time and are an incredibly happy baby. But when you decide to be upset? Oh boy watch out! Daddy and I have been calling you a little drama queen these days, as you will "cry", which means you crinkle your little face up in a fake cry. Its so funny. And boy do you squeal! You love to scream and squeal at any and everything.

You have also learned to pull yourself up into a sitting position. You had been sitting but if you fell over couldn't get back up. Well you are now a pro! You are also pulling up on everything! Furniture, people, dogs, even your very unstable jumper seems like a good idea for you to pull up on. With all this new exploring it mean more bumps and booboo's. But you are such a tough little girl that you mostly don't cry and if you do just need a snuggle and life is good again. All this new activity also means that you are vetoing sleep some. We have good and bad days and it seems to be returning back to normal, but you gave us a run for a money for a week or so with not wanting to sleep and then waking up a lot.

It has been a busy month and you have changed and grown so much. I can't wait to see what adventures we have in the future. Everyday being your Momma is such a joy


Saturday, January 16, 2010

I love the weekends

I think the title says it all. Is awesome to be home with John and Keely and have nothing to do. And just be together as a family. Seriously life can't get much better

However! We did succeed in finally getting the Christmas tree down! I have a living room again and one less thing to be trying to keep Keely out of.

So funny, we are laying here on our bed watching Keely play with her activity ball and I am uploading some videos to Facebook. And I look down and suddenly the pants that my child was wearing are now off of her body. Oh dear this could become a problem. Earlier this week she had gotten her outfit all dirty so I put her down for a nap in just her diaper....yeah bad idea. I hear that the little stinker is still awake and go to check on her and guess who is laying there in bed playing....sans diaper? Yeah....note to self always put Keely down with CLOTHES on over the diaper.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Slacker is me.

Okay so I have been MAJORLY slacking in this blogging endeavor. But I am really determined to do better and to blog more often.

So what all has been going on. We moved! John and I bough our first house! Which has been very exciting for the most part. However we are still unpacking. It seems horribly hard to get that done with an 8 month old.

Keely is doing awesome. She is almost crawling. What she does right now is pull herself around the room on her tummy with her arms and legs. And let me tell you that girl has picked up some major speed. It was so funny to watch John with her last night because she has gotten A LOT faster in the last few days. And she was everywhere last night and he was chasing her down. It was quite hysterical

She has been sitting up on her own for quite a while now. And in just the past 2 days has started pulling up on things! Oh boy! She is growing so so fast!