Thursday, February 11, 2010

Keely 9 months

Dear Keely,

It is hard to describe how absolutely amazing and how quickly these first 9 months together have gone. You grow so fast and it seems as if every day you are doing something new. Every time I see you, you are pulling up on something new, crawling this way and that. You are a wonderful challenge, while I try to keep things away from you that you may not need to be touching, I can't help but enjoy the look of wonder in your eyes as you discoover new things.

I look forward to all the things you will learn and the fun things we will do together. I promise to be a close and involved father when ever I can. While there are times things like work may keep me away, I hope always to keep the sacred balance with the focus on my family.

As your mommy and I and begin to contemplate such things as having another baby, I want you to know without a doubt that it will in no way dimish the great love that we have for you. It is the magical part of having a child, just when you thought your heart was full... It expands to make room for more.

I love you so much Keely and look forward to every day together.



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